From Burnout To Fulfillment in 8 Weeks

Align with your soul purpose to reach new levels of energy, joy, and inspiration.

[SECRET] The Soul Cause of Burnout

MYTH: Hard work causes burnout.

It's time to break the myth that one burns out because of working too hard, or not resting enough.

Yes, fatigue is a common sign of burnout. But it's just a surface issue.

Think about your own path to burnout. What truly exhausted you?

It could be the stress—you constantly felt constricted or pressured at work.

Day after day, the mind was numbed by vague demands that didn't make sense. Yet you pushed yourself to fulfill them, out of fear of the consequences.

Where did the fear come from?
Let's go one level deeper—the heart.

In the past, you often poured your heart into something, and felt great about it. But your ideas were dismissed, overlooked, or even criticized for not following guidelines—though the guidelines themselves kept changing!

As if the unfair criticism at work wasn't enough, you could see echoes of it in your family (!)

So, you felt defeated, time and time again.

You shut your heart and decided to follow others' changing whims and desires, to be safe.

Now we're getting close.

Deep breath...

What really made your heart close?
Why couldn't you keep the fire going longer?

To find the root cause, we go one level deeper—the soul.

TRUTH: We burn out when our ACTIONS are out of ALIGNMENT with our soul's PURPOSE.

Hard to believe?

Picture this...

When driven by your soul purpose, you can work long, superhuman hours and still feel fulfilled in your heart, day after day.

Each time your heart hears your soul's true calling, it lights up. It's happy to do what's needed.

A clear, happy heart opens the mind to have better ideas. You can concentrate when needed, switch gears before getting numb, and rest when required.

A mind that's open and well-rested is more resilient to stress around you. It can filter out noise and bad ideas that could drain you. It reduces friction and increases flow, creating balance between drive and rest.

When your energy is balanced, you will naturally prevent burnout.

So at the root, it’s not the hard work that’s to blame.

But pushing against your soul’s purpose burns you out.

The results? 👇

Early Stages of Burnout

  • Fatigue

  • Boredom & Restlessness

  • Aches & Pains

  • Anxious/Depressive Mood Swings

  • Meaningless, Unfulfilled Living

  • Feeling Stuck

Full-Blown Burnout (& Beyond)

  • Severe Depression & Anxiety

  • Extreme Fatigue

  • Anger

  • Self-Hate

  • Broken Relationships

  • Chronic Pain

  • Identity Crisis

"But I've Tried Therapy and Meditation..."

That's great.


If a stream of water was polluted at the source, would you keep cleaning the water downstream?

If you did, you'd feel defeated each time, because all your efforts wouldn't have solved the problem.

The water would still be dirty the next day. And the day after.

You'd eventually burn out.

Sounds familiar?

What's Missing: Changing The Messages in Your Soul

Within your inner universe (your vibrational field), the soul is the creator of your life.

This isn't woo-woo. It's practical, but cutting-edge, quantum transformation.

Your soul is a warehouse of information or messages.

➕Some messages are positive—like your purpose and potentials.

➖Some are negative—like your traumas, despair, and other blockages.

Both the positive and negative messages are creating your life 24/7, through this simple but universal process:

  • Soul leads heart.

  • Heart leads mind.

  • Mind directs energy.

  • Energy moves matter.

Burnout begins at the soul level. That's where we need to end it.

It's the only way to transform burnout for good—and keep it from returning.

“The soul is the boss.”

“Heal the soul first; then healing of the heart, mind, and body will follow.”

—Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha

"Okay, How Do I Get Out?"

Short Answer:
The Way Out is Within.

Align with your soul's calling—your life purpose.

Learn how to use your soul in day-to-day decisions.

This shifts you from goal-driven to soul-driven living.

Once you follow your true boss—your soul—you unlock power and potential that could surprise you.

You gain the ability to:

  • Realign your soul, heart, mind, and body

  • Rise above triggers

  • Return to alignment on demand

"Hmm, Sounds Great—
But Where Do I Begin?"

Since 2012, we've been on a journey to figure this out in our lives, though we didn't know that's what we were doing.

Then during the COVID pandemic, as we served clients with symptoms of burnout, a clear path began to emerge.

It came together as an eight-week journey (and beyond).

We're laying it out for you here.

The 8-Week Process Includes:

  • 1:1 personal consultation, 1x/week

  • Wisdom videos to understand and apply soul power

  • Practice videos to follow along and shift your vibe

  • Live group coaching, 1x/month

  • Daily remote healing from us to you

But we focus on different growth areas along the way.

Week 1

Get Clear on Your Soul Purpose

  • Understand how and why your soul is the real boss of your life.

  • Get a Soul Reading about your Life Purpose.

  • Reframe your goals in the context of your Soul’s Purpose.

Week 2

Reset Your Inner Vibrational State

Learn soul-powered techniques to:

  • Ground your energy

  • Clear the heart and mind

  • Gain inner peace

...and more.

Week 3

Recalibrate Your Being

Use Tao Calligraphy, a breakthrough transformative art, to:

  • Identify deep subconscious imbalances

  • Self-correct these imbalances

  • Unblock the flow of messages and energy within

  • Find a new alignment with your soul and its potential

Weeks 4–8

Rise Above Your Triggers With Healthy Rituals and Habits

  • Transform Your Triggers

  • Learn Techniques to Regulate Your Soul, Heart, Mind, and Body

  • Create Joyful Outlets

  • Find Ways to Serve With Joy

  • Review and Reflect

Beyond Week 6

Monthly Mastery Membership

When your eight-week journey ends, it’s vital to sustain the breakthroughs you’ve made.

A lapse in your newly formed habits and practices could drop your vibrational frequency. This could allow the old negative patterns to pull you back.

We've been there. We've seen it happen for others.

To prevent this from happening to you, we designed the Monthly Mastery Membership, including:*

  • 1:1 personal consultation, 1x/month

  • Live group practice, 1x/week

  • Live group coaching, 1x/month

  • Daily remote healing

  • A community to share encouragement, experiences, and ideas

The membership supports you to overcome resistance and keep your new fire going.

*These are the planned components. The final membership structure could change from now to launch.

Be the first to know when the coaching program and membership go live.

Your Guides

Yanan Wu, MFA, Tao Calligraphy Teacher & Master Practitioner, Soul Communicator, Certificate in Initiatic Art Therapy

Hardeep Kharbanda, MFA, Tao Calligraphy Teacher & Master Practitioner, Soul Communicator, Licensed Massage Therapist

We’re Yanan and Hardeep, a couple on a healing journey since 2007 when we fell in love. We’ve grown together through some wild experiences—becoming Yoga teachers and Reiki Masters, losing two pregnancies, giving up our comfortable lives to move to Hawaii, then letting go again and returning to the Eastern US after ten years.

In Hawaii, we met Dr. & Master Sha, who connected us deeper with our souls’ purpose and continues to empower us as healers and teachers to this day.

Whether working at our jobs (in media production and marketing), serving clients for their healing, or pursuing spiritual growth, we’ve found that we can flow in sync with each other and with the outer universe only by nurturing and healing the inner world of one’s soul, heart, mind, and body.

Today, as the world gets increasingly chaotic, we see people burning out with anxiety, depression, fatigue, chronic pain, and other modern-day illnesses. We realized the root cause is a disconnect from one’s inner universe, especially the soul. We started Inner Universe Mastery as a way to serve you and others in restoring that connection—bringing joy, empowerment, flow, and purpose to all.

Hardeep helped me work through the blockages which were manifesting in inaction and lack of self-confidence. I felt completely seen, accepted, and safe with some vulnerable areas of my life. The process allowed me to feel empowered to move forward with action. It was perfect for what I needed at the time. I am very grateful to have found such a soul who successfully combines his compassionate nature with his practical knowledge. He will work with you where you are at and address core issues blocking your progress.


My healing with Yanan was sublimely peaceful and beneficial. As Yanan sent the healing vibrations to me, I felt purified, emptied out and renewed. Since the healing, my shoulders and hips have not been hurting. I have felt more open and trusting with people and have been more friendly with them than I usually am. I have been feeling forgiveness for others and tolerating their irritating behaviors with compassion. I'm releasing the past more and enjoying the present moment with more gratitude and less worry.



Asked Questions

I've tried therapy and meditation. How is this different?

Our soul-powered techniques don’t replace therapy or meditation; they complement them. While talk therapy and mindfulness work on the conscious mind, we focus on transforming the soul messages at the root of your conscious and subconscious patterns. When people apply these solutions, they begin to change their lives from a deeper level of their being.

Is there scientific proof that these techniques work?

Yes! The techniques we share come from Dr. & Master Sha, a world-renowned healer and Tao Grandmaster. His Sha Research Foundation has done studies verifying their effectiveness at transforming depression, body pain, cancer, and more. A study on anxiety is under way since 2023.

Are there side effects?

These practices work by unblocking your vibrational field. No external substances are being brought into the body. In our years of using and teaching these practices, we have not encountered any negative side effects.

During the practices, people report feeling warm or hot, sensing vibrations or tingling in different parts of the body, etc. Sometimes, as blockages are being released, some people feel release in the form of tears, yawning, or coughing. These are temporary signs of release.

Be aware of your body’s sensations, and feel free to adjust your posture and the practice duration and intensity as needed.

How long can I access the program?

Once you sign up, you will have lifetime access to the wisdom and practice videos.

The personal consults, live group practices and group coaching, and daily remote healing will be available to you as long as you stay in the monthly mastery membership.

There is no long-term contract. During the six-week coaching program, you will be enrolled in one month of the mastery membership (included in your program). You can cancel anytime.

light up your heart and soul like never before.

An empowered, fulfilled life awaits.

Take the first step today.


Our services and content are to complement, not replace, any treatments you are using for your well-being. The wellness guidance provided here is not a medical diagnosis or treatment. We're confident these methods work, but the results depend on your openness and consistency. Our goal is to help you align your inner vibrational field for more well-being, growth, and purpose. We love you.

Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.